AngularJS Architecture: Prefer the 'controller as' syntax

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As of Angular 1.2, the use of $scope injectable has been greatly reduced in favor of the "controller as syntax". We are going to take a quick look at cleaning up Eggly to follow this best practice.

~ 10 years ago

Hello Lukas! I want to ask you, is there a good way to use some variable from parent state ctrl in child state ctrl using the controller as syntax? For example using $scope way I have scope inheritance so it works fine, but how it could be done using new controller as syntax? Thanks!

Lukas Ruebbelke
Lukas Ruebbelke(instructor)
~ 10 years ago

Hello -- I recommend checking out Todd Motto's excellent article on 'controller as' syntax here Check out the section on nested scopes as he locks it down perfectly from the template side.

In terms of JavaScript, I would promote that variable to a service and share it between the two controllers which I cover in the next lesson. I would do my best to avoid implicit inheritance as it couples your two controllers together which makes extensibility and testing really hard.

Does this make sense?

~ 10 years ago

Thanks for answering. I think you are right and it make sense. Will wait next videos! Thanks :)

Frank Stepanski
Frank Stepanski
~ 9 years ago

I did the same code, but do not get the updated information in the <H1>..any ideas?

Frank Stepanski
Frank Stepanski
~ 9 years ago

nevermind....dumb caching :)