Listen to Events using HTML Attribute Event Handlers

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It is possible for code authored in HTML attributes to be executed when a matching event is called. This lesson goes over the nuances of adding, using and removing event handlers using HTML attributes.

Laureline Paris
Laureline Paris
~ 3 years ago

Very interesting :) (NB: unfortunate for the double equality though unless you expect the DOM api to return a string value ? or another keyword value such as undefined ?)

Alex Reardon
Alex Reardon(instructor)
~ 3 years ago

Hi there!

The querySelector API can only return an Element or null

In this case, it is safe to simply use == to check if the result of document.querySelector('button') is null as the only two values we can get are Element or null

Ingvi Jonasson
Ingvi Jonasson
~ 3 years ago

Already enjoying the course. It's a real treasure.

After quickly testing it seems that this code here

window.myOnclick = function() { 

works equally as by doing

window.myOnclick = function myOnclick() { 

Is there are reason why you give the function the same name before assigning to the window object?

Alex Reardon
Alex Reardon(instructor)
~ 3 years ago

Hi Ingvi,

Already enjoying the course. It's a real treasure.

Thank you so much! 🥰

Is there are reason why you give the function the same name before assigning to the window object?

This was purely a stylistic choice on my part. There is no need to name function expressions, so you can choose whichever style you like. I like to give things a name when I can to improve clarity, and that includes function expressions.

const foo = function foo {


Rather than:

const foo = function() {


Historically, named function expressions can also be slightly easier to debug as their name appears cleanly in stack traces.

That said, I use arrow function expressions in my own code a fair bit, and you cannot provide names for those

const foo = () => {};

Here is some more information on named vs anonymous function expressions:


~ 9 months ago

what is the difference between bubble phase and capture phase ? why always event listeners are executed in bubble phase ?