Riot JS - Scoped CSS and Toggled Classes

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Riot takes a 'keep your styles close' approach with custom tags. You are encouraged to place your styles for a tags element right inline with the html and javascript. Learn how riot parses the inline styles as well as ways to keep your styles from bleeding out to the rest of your app. Scoped styles provide great isolation for your custom tag. Use the class attribute's special binding syntax to easily add and remove a class based on an expression.

~ 9 years ago

I really enjoy this trends and i really enjoy Riot JS too.

+1 for more great videos on this very interesting framework .

~ 9 years ago

I am starting to love Riot JS given its simple syntax, eliminating almost all boiler plate and taking you closer to Pure JS.

Please do a lesson on how routing works. How can I have a view in my index.html page and how do I switch the views based on the current route