Use Template Engines with Express

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Template engines allow you to define your UIs in a declarative manner while maintaining a dynamic, data driven presentation layer. This lesson will demonstrate how to use template engines that have built-in support for Express as well as engines without explicit Express support.

~ 7 years ago

Got errors saying that there was no jade module. On the express site (, I found that jade has been renamed Pug and that I can get the template engine by installing the npm package: $ npm install pug --save Then I could use it by using pug app.('view engine', 'pug') and changing the templates to *.pug

~ 4 years ago

Got errors saying that there was no jade module. On the express site (, I found that jade has been renamed Pug and that I can get the template engine by installing the npm package: $ npm install pug --save Then I could use it by using pug app.('view engine', 'pug') and changing the templates to *.pug

Thank you. I ran into this issue and was able to solve it using your fix.