Derive computed values and manage side effects with MobX reactions

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Derivations form the backbone of MobX and come in two flavors: computed values are values that can be derived from the state automatically. And reactions can be used to manage side effects, such as drawing the user interface. In this lesson you will learn how these concepts relate to each other and how they are optimized automatically by MobX.

Dennis Walsh
Dennis Walsh
~ 8 years ago

Your formulas for Fahrenheit and Kelvin are reversed... distracting to a nerd like me. :) Great series and tools!

@Meligy From GuruStop.NET
@Meligy From GuruStop.NET
~ 8 years ago

Is there a way I can see the full example running and play with it? a jsbin URL?

The code tab doesn't allow jumping to the actual jsbin page.


Sen P
Sen P
~ 8 years ago

Clicking on the JSBin icon at the top left, opens the code in JSBin.

Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman
~ 6 years ago

Following the stuff from video: t.unit = "K" ➡️ ReferenceError {} ➡️ any idea how to play with it in the console?

~ 6 years ago

Is there a way to access/modify the variables in the Console (like you do in this lesson) through Codesandbox?

Alexander Zubko
Alexander Zubko
~ 5 years ago

To modify the store from the console you can add global.t = t after the definition of the t

~ 5 years ago

The author really needs to work on his presentation skills. This is very difficult to follow.