1. 5
    Wrap Fetch Requests to Communicate Pending, Error and Success Status to React Suspense
    5m 41s

Wrap Fetch Requests to Communicate Pending, Error and Success Status to React Suspense

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We can write our own promises wrappers to communicate pending, error, and success statuses to Suspense and error boundaries components.

The wrapper we write in this lesson is the minimum viable wrapper required for data fetching. Knowing how to wrap promises for communication with Suspense and error boundaries allows you to suspend any asynchronous data.

Brendan Whiting
Brendan Whiting
~ 5 years ago

Seems like an audio editing error around 1:04-1:05. "Wrapper around.... " what?

Ray Dai
Ray Dai
~ 4 years ago

why throw suspender, not return?