TS Courses
Advanced Static Types in TypeScript
Restrict null and undefined via Non-Nullable-Types in TypeScript
Understand TypeScript’s Control Flow Based Type Analysis
Define Custom Type Guard Functions in TypeScript
Make Properties and Index Signatures Readonly in TypeScript
Represent Non-Primitive Types with TypeScript’s object Type
Use TypeScript’s never Type for Exhaustiveness Checking
Overload a Function with TypeScript’s Overload Signatures
Collect Related Strings in a String Enum in TypeScript
Specify Exact Values with TypeScript’s Literal Types
Model Alternatives with Discriminated Union Types in TypeScript
Infer Types for Rest and Spread Properties in TypeScript
Query Properties with keyof and Lookup Types in TypeScript
Transform Existing Types Using Mapped Types in TypeScript
Async/Await using TypeScript
async / await using TypeScript Course Overview
Simplify Asynchronous Callback Functions using async/await
Promise Fundamentals using TypeScript
Write Async Functions with the async/await Operators
Execute Promises in Parallel and Serial using async / await
Asynchronous Iteration using for-await-of
Use Types Effectively in TypeScript
Introduction to Static Typing
Using Type Inference in TypeScript
Union Types and Type Aliases in TypeScript
Distinguishing between types of Strings in TypeScript
Using Interfaces to Describe Types in TypeScript
Creating a Class in TypeScript
Sharing Class Behavior with Inheritance in TypeScript
Using Assertion to Convert Types in TypeScript
The Basics of Generics in TypeScript
Practical Generics in TypeScript
Maintainable CSS using TypeStyle
Add type safety to CSS using TypeStyle
Reusable styles using TypeStyle mixins
Add responsive styles using TypeStyle Media Queries
Style CSS pseudo-classes using TypeStyle
Style CSS pseudo elements with TypeStyle
Compose CSS classes using TypeStyle
Use TypeStyle keyframes to create CSS animations
Load raw CSS in TypeStyle
Use fallback values in TypeStyle for better browser support
Generate static css + html files using TypeStyle
Render HTML/CSS server-side using TypeStyle
Use TypeScript to develop React Applications
Why use TypeScript with React
Bootstrap a TypeScript + React project
Create stateless React components using TypeScript
Create stateful React Components using TypeScript
Publish a React component with TypeScript
Test React components and dom using Enzyme
Test React Applications with Cypress
Build Algorithms using Typescript
Understand the FizzBuzz coding problem and its solution
Sort arrays in TypeScript
Case insensitive sorting for string arrays
Determine if two strings are an anagram
Determine if a string is a palindrome
Bubble sort using TypeScript
Quicksort algorithm using TypeScript
Insertion sort algorithm using TypeScript
Merge sort algorithm using TypeScript
Binary Search Algorithm using TypeScript
Find the repeated item in an array using TypeScript
Create random integers in a given range
Stack implementation using TypeScript
Queue implementation using TypeScript
Implement a singly linked list in TypeScript
Implement a doubly linked list in TypeScript
Parse a string to an integer
Shuffle an array
Implement the heap data structure using JavaScript
Find Max Items and Max Height of a Completely Balanced Binary Tree
Implement the Heapsort algorithm using TypeScript / JavaScript
Minimum / Maximum Maintenance algorithm implementation using JavaScript / TypeScript
Sum of the most common algorithmic arithmetic series
Median Maintenance algorithm implementation using TypeScript / JavaScript
Maximum Contiguous Subarray algorithm implementation using TypeScript / JavaScript
Develop Accessible Web Apps with React
Set up ESLint to Audit Accessibility Issues in React
Use react-axe to Audit Accessibility Issues at Runtime during Development
Use the axe Browser Extension to Audit a Web Page for Accessibility Issues
Use tota11y to Visualize Accessibility Issues
Use a High Contrast Browser Extension to Find Color Contrast Accessibility Issues
Change Display Preferences on Mac to Find Color Contrast Accessibility Issues
Enable High Contrast Mode on Windows
Access and Customize VoiceOver Settings on MacOS
Navigate a Webpage with VoiceOver in Safari
Test for Landmark Region Accessibility Issues in React
Define Landmark Regions of a web page using ARIA roles
Define Landmark Regions of a web page using HTML5 sectioning elements
Test for Heading Level Accessibility Issues
Correctly Define Heading Levels of a Web Page
Test for Form Control Label Accessibility Issues
Ensure Form Controls have Accessible Labels
Add Accessible Labels to Elements Whose Labels are Not Clear Enough
Add Accessible Labels to Provide Elements with More Context
Add an Accessible Label to an Element from the Text of Other Elements
Add Accessible Descriptions to Elements
Test for Image Alternative Text Accessibility Issues
Define Images with Appropriate Text Alternatives
Test for Insufficient Color Contrast Accessibility Issues
Use Sufficient Color Contrast in Web Page Design
Use More than Color Alone to Convey Information in a Web Page
Define a Live Region to Ensure Dynamic Changes are Announced by Assistive Technologies
Appropriately Set the Focus on Each Page Load of a Web Application
WTF are Accessible Design Patterns?
Use Suspense to Simplify Your Async UI
Course Intro
Enable React Concurrent Mode
Fetch Data with React Suspense
Handle React Suspense Errors with an Error Boundary
Write a generic React Suspense Resource factory
Refactor data fetching with useEffect to Suspense Resources
Where to Position React Suspense and Error Boundaries
Improve Suspense loading states with useTransition
Use CSS Transitions to Avoid a Flash of Loading State
Modify Suspense Config to Avoid a Flash of Loading State
Cache React Suspense Resources
Preload Images to Improve Loading Performance
Create a Custom Suspending Image Component
Implement the Fetch as you Render Approach for Improved Performance
Create a Custom Hook that Creates Resources
Use SuspenseList for Coordinating Suspending Components
Fetch Modules Eagerly for SuspenseList
Wrapping Up with Experimental React Suspense
Modern JavaScript Tooling with React
Course Overview: Modern JavaScript Tooling with React
Initialize an npm Project and git Repository
Add a Project and Push Changes to GitHub with git
Install webpack and create a default bundle
Explicitly Define an Entry Point with a webpack Configuration File
Control the Output of webpack with the mode Setting
Transform Modern JavaScript Features with Babel
Configure webpack to Load JavaScript Files through Babel with babel-loader
Configure babel for React with preset-react
Inject a JavaScript bundle into HTML with the HtmlWebpackPlugin
Update your Bundle with each File Save with webpack's watch Mode
Create Separate webpack Configs for Development and Production with webpack-merge
Serve a webpack Bundle while Developing with webpack-dev-server
Generate Source Maps through webpack for a Better Debugging Experience with source-map
Support Proposed JavaScript Features with Babel Plugins
Automatically Import CSS in JavaScript with webpack using style-loader and css-loader
Hot Reload a React App in Development with react-hot-loader
Avoid Duplicate Commands by Calling one NPM Script from Another
Analyze a Production JavaScript Bundle with webpack-bundle-analyzer
Externalize Dependencies to be Loaded via CDN with webpack
Target specific browsers with babel-preset-env and the babel pollyfill
Asynchronously Load webpack Bundles through Code-splitting and React Suspense
Run a Simple Test with Jest in a React App
Set Up Tests that Render a React Component with Jest and Babel
Set up Testing Globals in an Application with Jest
Configure Prettier to Automatically Format Code
Avoid Common JavaScript Errors with ESLint
Check for Accessibility Issues in JSX with the jsx-a11y ESLint Plugin
Run Linting, Tests and Prettier in git Hooks with Husky
Avoid Deprecated React APIs with React.StrictMode
Create an Error Boundary for a React App
Define Prop Types for a React Class Component
Check for Accessibility Issues in the Browser with react-axe
Create a New Project by Cloning the Boilerplate Project
Progressive Web Apps in React with create-react-app
Course Introduction: Progressive Web Apps in React with create-react-app
Create a Progressive Web App with React and Register a Service Worker
View the Service Worker and the Cache, and Debug a PWA with Chrome’s Dev Tools
Use a Custom Service Worker in a create-react-app PWA without Ejecting
Pre-cache Static Resources with Workbox and View a React PWA Offline
Listen for install and activate PWA Events in a Service Worker
Cache Third Party Resources from a CDN in a React PWA
Cache JSON Data in a React PWA with Workbox, and Display it while Offline
Add an Offline Status Indicator to a PWA with React
Show an Error when a POST or DELETE Fails in an Offline PWA
Add a Custom App Icon to a PWA built with create-react-app
Change the Name and Short Name of a PWA built with create-react-app
Add a PWA to the Home Screen of an iOS or Android Device, and the Chrome App Home Screen
Add Navigation Elements in React to a PWA in Standalone Mode
Access the Camera in a PWA built with React
Add Push Notifications to a PWA with React in Chrome and on Android
Disable Text Selection and Touch Callouts in a PWA on iOS
Change the Status Bar Color on iOS and Android in a PWA
Customize the Splash Screen of a PWA built with create-react-app
Do a PWA Audit with Lighthouse using Chrome Dev Tools
Reusable State and Effects with React Hooks
Introduction to Reusable State and Effects with React Hooks
Environment Setup for React Hooks
Add State with the useState Hook to a React Function Component
Add Linting to Help Enforce Rules when Using React Hooks
Add a Lifecycle Event with the useEffect Hook to a React Function Component
Use the React useRef Hook to Reference a DOM Element or Simulate an Instance Variable
Write Custom Hooks to Share Logic Between React Function Components
Leverage an Existing Community Hook in Your React Function Component
Use the useReducer Hook and Dispatch Actions to Update State
Use the useContext Hook to Wire-up the React Context API
Simulate PureComponent with a React Function Component
Leverage the React useMemo Hook for Expensive Operations
Convert a Render Props Component using a Custom React Hook
Building Serverless Web Applications with React & AWS Amplify
Install & Configure the AWS Amplify CLI
Create & Configure an AWS Amplify Project with a React Application
Use the AWS Amplify withAuthenticator HOC to Implement a React User Authorization Flow
Manually Sign Up New Users in React with AWS Amplify Auth Class
Create & Interact with an AWS AppSync GraphQL API with AWS Amplify
Create & Interact with a Serverless REST API with AWS Lambda from React
Store Data in Amazon S3 with React
Deploy Your React Application to AWS Using the Amplify CLI
Build a Backend with Prisma in a TypeScript Node Project
Install the Prisma VS Code Extension
Initialize Prisma in a TypeScript Node Project
Create a Model for a Table and Run Migrations
Use Prisma Studio to Create a Record
Use Prisma Client to Find Many Records in a Table
Use Prima Client to Select a Subset of Data
Create a Database Record with Prisma Client
Use Express to Create Data Dynamically
Create a Relation Between Two Tables in the Prisma Schema
Use Prisma Client to Query for Related Data
Use Prisma Client to Connect Related Tables when Creating New Data
Limit the Amount of Returned Data with Prisma Client
Build a Real-Time Data Syncing Chat Application with Supabase and Next.js
Create a New Supabase Project
Navigate the Supabase Admin Interface
Create PostgreSQL Tables Using Supabase's Interface
Configure Supabase Auth to Allow Users to Login with GitHub
Use Triggers to Automatically Update Supabase Tables
Set up a Supabase Client in Next.js
Set up a Login Page in Next.js with Supabase's auth.session()
Set up GitHub Authorization with Supabase
Manage Third-Party Authorization Errors in Supabase
Executing Raw SQL using Supabase's Interface
Retrieve Data with a Supabase API Request
Subscribe to Database Changes using Supabase's Realtime Client
Enable Realtime Only for Individual Tables using supabase_realtime
Insert Submitted Data to Supabase Tables
Keep Track of the Current User Using Next.js with Supabase
Logout and Update Users with React and Supabase's upsert Method
Request User Details for a Given User Using Supabase's API
Retrieve and Displaying User Details with User Subscriptions
Deploy a Supabase Application to Production with Cloudflare Pages
Building Supabase Serverless Workflows with Cloudflare Workers
Create an eCommerce Store with Next.js and Stripe Checkout
Create a New React Application with the Next.js create-next-app CLI
Add and Style a Grid of Products with Images in a Next.js React App
Add and Configure Products in the Stripe Dashboard for an Online Store
Dynamically Manage a Grid of Products in an Online Store with a JSON Document
Host & Deploy a Next.js React App on Vercel imported from GitHub
Configure a Stripe Checkout Domain for Client-Only Integration
Add a Stripe API Key as an Environment Variable in Next.js & Vercel
Integrate Stripe Checkout to Purchase Products in Next.js with Stripe @stripe/stripe-js Cl
Create a Shopping Cart with the useState React Hook to Manage Product Quantity and Total
Create a Custom React Hook to Manage Cart State
Use the React Context API to Globally Manage Cart State in a Next.js App
Store and Load Cart State from Local Storage to Persist Cart Data When Reloading the Page
Use Next.js Dynamic Routes to Create Product Pages for an Online Store
Create a Shopping Cart Page to Manage Products to Purchase in a Next.js App
Add a Quantity Input to the Cart Page to Add or Remove Items from a Shopping Cart in Next
Build a Video Chat App with Twilio and Gatsby
Build a Page Layout in Gatsby
Create a React Form in Gatsby
Generate Dynamic Routes in Gatsby with Reach Router
Manage Application State in Gatsby with React Hooks
Generate an Access Token for Users with Twilio Serverless Functions
Consume a Generated Twilio Token in Gatsby with React Hooks
Restrict Access in Gatsby with Protected Routes
Connect Video to a Room with React Hooks in Gatsby
Show Video in Gatsby from Remote Participants with React Hooks
Handle Disconnected Participants with React Hooks and the Twilio API